News — Bike Durham

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Durham Belt Line

The Durham Belt Line is a visionary project that borrows ideas from successful linear parks like the High Line in New York City and multi-use trails like the BeltLine in Atlanta. What makes the Durham Belt Line innovative is that not only will it act as a green and public place for the exchange of ideas and culture, it will create a valuable transportation connection for Durham residents traveling on foot or by bike.


We always advocate for physical separation of motor vehicles and bicyclists on public streets because different users that travel at different speeds work best when they’re given their own dedicated space to travel, and vulnerable bicyclists can expect a level of safety that mere paint does not afford them. This very same principle applies between bicyclists and pedestrians and the preferred design of the Belt Line conforms to this ideal wherever possible. The trail gives bicyclists a great deal of space to bike without the need to navigate joggers and walkers and vice versa.


At its widest, the bi-directional cycle path will be 12 feet across giving slower bicyclists plenty of space to meander while faster bicyclists will have enough room to safely pass without needing to drift into the oncoming lane. The best part about six foot wide travel lanes for bicyclists is that they’re not only sufficient for momentarily passing one other but they’re the minimum recommended width for bicyclists to comfortably travel side by side. This is fantastic for social bicycling, an activity that people tend to associate with the isolated road warrior or commuter. Promoting social bicycling can also help to diversify the demographics of bicyclists in Durham because studies have revealed a preference by Black and Hispanic residents to bike with family and friends. 

Unfortunately due to right-of-way constraints, the preferred cross section isn’t always possible. We ask that the designs at least be re-evaluated to find a way to maintain consistency so that users on all stretches of the park have an opportunity to experience the best possible designs. If we are to expand alternative and affordable transportation in Durham, we need to ensure consistency between all segments of the trail.


The Belt Line has a number of at-grade crossings that need to be designed with care. Roxboro St in particular is dangerous because it has been designed for speed and thus many drivers on the stretch of road where the Belt Line will cross have been measured traveling well above the speed limit on that road. At these speeds, a driver hitting a pedestrian or a cyclist with their car has a near-certain chance of killing them. The project already incorporates some best practices like a raised crosswalk at Main St and Morgan St but fails to do so at Roxboro St and other intersections where the consequences of a collision are deadlier. We’re glad that the designs have embraced these techniques but the Belt Line will be most effective if the experience of using it is consistent. We recommend that the designs incorporate all of the best practices at all of the crossings to maximize the protection of those using the trail, especially when the stark contrast between the safety of the trail and the danger of the roads is greatest.

Finally, the Belt Line does not exist in a bubble. People still need to be able to reach the perimeter of the park in a safe and accessible manner. Once completed, the park will increase the number of Durham households with access to green space by 52%. This is really important for the equity of Durham’s public spaces but that equity will be wasted without a means by which residents of each neighborhood can access the park. The designs acknowledge this and have plans to improve sidewalks and transit stops along the trail but more can always be done. Once a bicyclist exits the park, they need to feed into bike connections that can maintain a consistent and comparable level of safety and comfort. We ask that the project team work closely with the Department of Transportation to expedite any future planned connections and generate new bike and pedestrian projects that can ensure accessibility to the Belt Line beyond just residents’ geographic proximity.

We also need to understand that with increased public amenities come increased financial pressures for the communities surrounding the proposed trail. We believe that all people, regardless of socioeconomic standing, deserve access to affordable transportation options and public spaces that facilitate cultural enrichment. However there are economic realities that residents will face when their neighborhoods, long starved of these facilities, suddenly become infused with private investment. We can't allow the Belt Line to act as a catalyst for displacement and the city needs to focus their efforts on maintaining housing affordability. The Belt Line Master Plan should be amended with creative strategies like value capture to raise funds for affordable housing. Durham must ensure that all Durham residents can enjoy the benefits of the Belt Line.

You can read more about the plan on the official website but at the very least if you feel inspired by the plan and want it to be the best that it can possibly be, complete the online survey and let the city know that you’re strongly in favor of the project and be sure to reinforce these concerns that the team has already identified so solving them becomes a priority. To reiterate:

  • The designs should re-evaluate the sections of the Belt Line that have been identified as too constrained to maintain the preferred cross section and instead be configured to maintain a consistently ideal experience for both bicyclists and pedestrians.
  • Road crossings need to be designed to prioritize the safety of trail users by adhering to identified best practices and maintaining a consistent feel through the crossing.
  • Connections to the trail should feed into and out of the Belt Line in a safe and comfortable manner to maximize the accessibility of the trail so it can be used by everyone.
  • The Belt Line Master Plan should make commitments to keep housing affordable in all the neighborhoods surrounding the trail.

Broad and South Roxboro Bike Lanes

The Skinny

As part of their 2018 Bicycle Improvements, the City of Durham, with help from Alta Planning & Design, is working on the design for restriping Broad Street (Main to Guess) and South Roxboro Street (Cornwallis to Summit) to include bike lanes. These two are being done first because NCDOT plans to resurface both roads this summer.

Links for Project Information

Broad Street (includes three design options and a survey).
South Roxboro Street (a single option and a survey).


This summer. No deadlines for initial comments or surveys have been given, but they should be provided as soon as possible. A public meeting is promised, but has not yet been scheduled. NCDOT already has contracts to resurface both roads this summer.

Bike Durham’s Goals for Both Projects

Protected bike lanes on both sides of the street are essential on each corridor. The lanes should be carried through intersections and connect with adjacent bicycle infrastructure. Vertical delineators should be added immediately and permanent barriers should be added within two years of the restriping. Travel lanes should be narrowed to slow traffic. Bus stops should be designed to minimize conflicts between buses and cyclists.

Design Options for Broad Street: Three options are presented.

Design Options for Broad Street: Three options are presented.

Option A should not be considered. It puts cyclists in the door zone of parked cars and would not allow for protected lanes on one side of the street.

Bike Durham supports Option B with one significant adjustment - if another foot can be taken from somewhere, preferably the travel lanes and/or parking lane, there could be a two foot buffer (enough for vertical delineators in the short term and a more permanent solution in the longer term) for the bike lanes not protected by parking.

If the adjustment to Option B can be made to ensure protected bike lanes on both sides of the street, Option C is not necessary. We recognize that this will risk an unnecessary fight with the business owners along Broad Street who are concerned about losing on-street parking. That said, it is the only option that includes protected bike lanes on both sides as currently shown and should be considered for blocks where on-street parking is rare. Our understanding is the Option B can include protected facilities, but was simply not rendered with vertical elements. Thus, a mix of an adjusted Option B with protected bike lanes on both sides where parking is needed, and Option C where parking is not needed, would be the best of both worlds.

The other option we have heard suggested by members of the community is a two-way protected cycle track. The City has indicated NCDOT would not support this design and that there would be additional signal and curb movement costs that the City has not budgeted. It also creates a tricky transition to the traditional bike lanes found at either end of the corridor. Therefore, Bike Durham does not recommend this design treatment.

Other Considerations for Broad Street

Bike Durham encourages the removal of turn lanes at unsignalized intersections along Broad Street to continue the bike lane protections as long as possible. Similarly, continuing the protected bike lanes through the ends of the corridor (at Main Street and Guess Road) is crucial to connect with the bike lanes on Main Street and on Broad Street north of Guess Road. While outside of the resurfacing project, the lack of bike lanes on Broad Street just north of the Guess Road intersection is a barrier to having a continuous cycling corridor along Broad Street and should be restriped to include bike lanes.

Design Option for South Roxboro Street

A single option is presented:

Bike Durham supports this proposal but requests that the City consider adding on-street sidewalks on the west side of South Roxboro Road, where they are currently absent. Since the proposed buffer between the travel lanes and bike lanes is ample (7 feet on both sides!), Bike Durham believes the City should consider using 5-6 feet of that to create an on-street sidewalk similar to this one in Seattle:



Advocacy Alert: Comment on the four corridors


Here's the skinny: four stretches of road have recently been redesigned and the designs are not great if you're biking.  There is a lot to critique about the process and the designs— HERE is our full letter to the city if you'd like to read it.   But we really need you to write your own so please follow these steps:

↓ First copy the text below ↓

I support Bike Durham's letter to the city regarding the four recent corridor design proposals and would like to reiterate the following:

1. Every effort should be made to accommodate separated bike facilities and continuous sidewalk facilities for all of these projects. We request that staff amend conceptual designs for each of these facilities to be consistent with Durham’s Vision Zero and Sustainability policies.

2. Bike Durham would like to know the estimated additional cost and time necessary to complete the projects according to recommend standard practices. Until these crucial factors are considered we do not believe a final decision should be made by staff or City Council.

3. These projects should receive additional input from the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission as well as Durham’s newly formed Vision Zero Technical Task Force and/or the full Vision Zero Steering Committee before approving construction.

↓ Then click this button ↓

And paste that text!


Note: If you can't get the button to work, please send an email to, with and in the cc fields, with the subject "Comment on SW-44D, SW-45D, SW-46D, and SW-47D". 

Please include your street address in the email.  


Make South Roxboro Street Safer for Biking


March Update— Community meeting

South Roxboro Street is being repaved soon and the prevailing design includes buffered bike lanes.  Join us by dropping into the public meeting this Wednesday between 6:30 and 8pm at Southwest Elementary to voice your support. 

We support the improvements but

  • Standard physical infrastructure should be added to prevent injury or death
  • The plan should be expanded to include the entirety of South Roxboro Street between Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway & Hope Valley Road

Full details from the city can be read here:

Report from November, 2017

The Department of Transportation is currently accepting comments on a plan that will improve cycling in Durham on South Roxboro Street. While the plan is a good start, it needs your help to make the road safer for all users.

The stretch of South Roxboro Street between Martin Luther King Jr. Pkwy and Hope Valley Road is a prime example of why biking on Durham roads is often reserved for only the bravest and most experienced cyclists. This street features two travel lanes in each direction, a 35 mph speed limit, and no physically separated facility for cyclists. Drivers looking at the street have a hard time discerning it from a highway, which would explain why a study conducted in 2013 found an average traveling speed of about 42 mph. There is already a bike lane on the section between Martin Luther King Jr. Pkwy and Carlton Crossing Drive. But with nothing but a single line of paint to separate bicyclists from the speeding traffic, it’s not exactly safe.

Would someone new to cycling ever feel comfortable here? Photo: Google Maps

Would someone new to cycling ever feel comfortable here? Photo: Google Maps

Fortunately, the City of Durham Department of Transportation has proposed an improvement for the 1.6 mile section between Juliette Drive and Hope Valley Road. It will reduce that section from two travel lanes to one travel lane for vehicles and add a bicycle lane with a painted buffer, similar to the design that already exists on Durham-Chapel Hill Boulevard.


This is a major improvement but the project leaves a lot left to be desired. The painted buffer will increase comfort for cyclists already used to sharing the road with drivers but it does not ensure their safety and can be confusing for drivers. The bike lane should be separated from vehicular traffic by a physical barrier to protect cyclists. Only a protected bike lane will make cyclists feel truly safe and encourage new ridership.


Current plan introduces a gap between Martin Luther King Jr. Pkwy and Juliette Dr


It is important to note that the City of Durham Public Works Department is planning to repave the entirety of South Roxboro Street between Martin Luther King Jr. Pkwy and Hope Valley Road in 2018, not just the section ending at Juliette Drive. Bicyclists connecting to the new bike lane will have no choice but to continue navigating the dangerous conditions that already exist on the rest of the street. The Department of Transportation should use this opportunity to expand the scope of the proposed project and improve the design of the entire stretch of road.

What You Can Do

The Department of Transportation is currently accepting comments on this plan from the public. Your voice can be instrumental in improving the safety of bicycling in Durham so it is important to submit them by the November 30th deadline. You can read the full plan here and submit your comments using the form provided by the city here. It’s always more effective to provide a personal touch but feel free to mention your support for any of the following ideas:

  • I strongly support the plan to add a bike lane to South Roxboro St but it needs to go further to improve safety for cyclists.
  • The new bike lanes should be fully protected by a physical barrier that separates cyclists from vehicular traffic.
  • The plan should be expanded to include the entire stretch of South Roxboro Street between Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway and Hope Valley Road.

Provide your comments to the City of Durham Department of Transportation by November 30th


Bike Month is Here!

May is a great time to dust off that bike and enjoy the beautiful weather from two wheels. Check out all the great Bike Month events happening around Durham on the Bike Month calendar. We hope you'll stop by one of the socials (May 1st, May 15th) or come grab treats and giveaways from one of our pit stops during Bike to Work Day (May 19th).


Durham Bike+Walk Implementation Plan is taking final comments

Deadline for public comment period is April 28, 2017. Please keep comments focused on the proposed projects and how your experience in these areas can improve recommendations.

Find the plan HERE and submit comments to Bryan Poole


2013 Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities (SW-31) | Durham, NC

This is the current bike plan for four corridors in Durham.


APBP North Carolina Chapter Kickoff and Networking Events

The Association of Bicycling and Walking Professional’s *new* North Carolina Chapter is hosting a series of six socials in late January for individuals across the state!

Join them after work at the social nearest you to celebrate the kickoff of the new chapter. You do not need to be a member to attend. We encourage students, private sector employees, state and local government, advocates, and individuals to attend that are interested in:
Upcoming NC Chapter Events, including free webinars
Bicycling and Walking as a Profession
Networking with colleagues and peers

Chapel Hill/Carrboro

Tuesday January 24th

Steel String Brewery @ 106 S. Greensboro St (6-7:30PM)

Host: Sarah Johnson, UNC Chapel Hill

Pop-Up Cycle Track Demo

Bike Durham is inviting cyclists to try out a two-way cycle track (aka protected bike lane), which provides a physical separation between bicyclists and motorized vehicles in the form of a raised curb, onstreet parking, or bollards.

Help us make the case to Durham stakeholders about investing in better bikeways. This segment of Washington Street (east side) between Trinity Avenue and the Durham Athletic Park happens to be a key link in the East Coast Greenway. Check us out on your way to the Farmer’s Market!

Thanks to event our cosponsor, East Coast Greenway Alliance.

Event Date: 

Jul 9 2016 -

8:00am to 2:00pm
