Advocacy Alert: Comment on the four corridors — Bike Durham

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Advocacy Alert: Comment on the four corridors


Here's the skinny: four stretches of road have recently been redesigned and the designs are not great if you're biking.  There is a lot to critique about the process and the designs— HERE is our full letter to the city if you'd like to read it.   But we really need you to write your own so please follow these steps:

↓ First copy the text below ↓

I support Bike Durham's letter to the city regarding the four recent corridor design proposals and would like to reiterate the following:

1. Every effort should be made to accommodate separated bike facilities and continuous sidewalk facilities for all of these projects. We request that staff amend conceptual designs for each of these facilities to be consistent with Durham’s Vision Zero and Sustainability policies.

2. Bike Durham would like to know the estimated additional cost and time necessary to complete the projects according to recommend standard practices. Until these crucial factors are considered we do not believe a final decision should be made by staff or City Council.

3. These projects should receive additional input from the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission as well as Durham’s newly formed Vision Zero Technical Task Force and/or the full Vision Zero Steering Committee before approving construction.

↓ Then click this button ↓

And paste that text!


Note: If you can't get the button to work, please send an email to, with and in the cc fields, with the subject "Comment on SW-44D, SW-45D, SW-46D, and SW-47D". 

Please include your street address in the email.  
