Bike Durham Comments on Draft Policies for the Comprehensive Plan — Bike Durham

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Bike Durham Comments on Draft Policies for the Comprehensive Plan

Durham is currently updating its Comprehensive Plan, which is a long range vision for how and where things can be built in Durham. The Planning Department is currently seeking public feedback on draft policies that will be included in the Comprehensive Plan update.

Bike Durham, with a huge assist from the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission (BPAC), sent the following responses regarding the transportation-related draft policies. The format below matches that of the survey.

Bike Durham encourages you to review the draft policies and submit your own comments on them. If any of the responses below speak to you, please feel free to include them as well.

1. Check all the policy areas you reviewed:


2d. How well do the draft policies under “Transportation” meet the priorities and needs of those in your community?

Very well

3d. If you responded neutral, somewhat, or not well, how should the draft “Transportation” policies change to meet the needs and priorities of those in your community?


4d. How do the draft policies under "Transportation" address a problem you have seen or experienced? How might the draft "Transportation" policies impact your community if they were implemented?

Overall, the draft policies related to transportation promote a Durham that is equitable, safe, accessible, and sustainable. The key will be to work with the departments who implement the majority of these policies, both within the City and outside of it, to make sure these policies are being realized on the street. A few aspects to improve the transportation system in Durham, particularly for those cycling and using transit, could be strengthened. See the next two responses for details.

5d. How would you change the wording of the “Transportation” policies to make them more understandable? You can write the policy number if you have feedback on specific policies

Bike Durham supports the following wording suggestions, most of which were made by the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission (BPAC):

T.01  Add the following sentence: "Prioritize pedestrian-oriented design elements such as street trees and raised crosswalks."

T.02   Add the following sentence: “Allow more communities to share in growth and investment by improving non-automotive connections between the north and south sides of Durham Freeway."

T.03  Rephrase sentence to read “Improve ADA design and conditions at crosswalks, along sidewalks, store frontages, bus stops and other transportation corridors …”

T.07  Rephrase sentence to read “Reinvest, retrofit, and maintain areas and facilities which have current transportation needs or network gaps…”

T.08  Add sentence: “Improve service frequency, route expansion, timeliness, reliability, and other key performance indicators of the mass transit system to benefit existing users and facilitate increased ridership”.   

T.09  Rephrase last sentence to read "...increase investment in high-quality, frequent, and reliable transit that expands coverage and  serves mixed-use, high-density areas."

T.10  Add to the first sentence “with a focus on street design".   Add the following sentence: “Ensure that Vision Zero approach does not rely on over policing and does not obviate need for better infrastructure.”

T.11  Change “speeding traffic” to “unsafe speed”.   Add to the last sentence “...raised crosswalks, reduced curb radii, street trees”.

T.13  Rephrase first sentence to read "Implement and design streets using a complete streets approach that allow and encourage walking, riding transit…."

T.14  Rephrase first sentence to read "Provide great, high frequency regional connectivity to destinations in the Triangle." Consider better defining what types of regional destinations are most important to serve, such as major employment centers, medical centers, and universities. The current wording is very general and does not reflect that prioritization will need to be done based on the highest needs. The needs of low-wealth communities should come first.

T.16 Add sentence "Prioritize reduction of parking."

T.18  Rephrase to read "... limit investment in infrastructure that prioritizes single occupancy gas, electric or diesel cars."

T.20  Rephrase last sentence to read “ formats that are accessible and legible to all people.  “

T.20  As a general comment, this should not be limited to transportation policies.

GI.23  Add sentence “Encourage medium density housing and commercial development, and minimize surface parking.”

N.03  Rephrase first sentence to read "Create neighborhood and site designs in new development that accommodate residents in all non-single occupancy vehicle modes of movement with different mobility needs."   

N.03  Add the following to the last sentence "...and other complete streets methods."

N.16  Add to the second sentence “...locating vehicle access and parking to the side or rear of lots and buildings; providing covered bus stops, and designing buildings …”

6d. What policies are missing in the “Transportation” topic that you would add?

Bike Durham supports the following additions, many of which were suggested by BPAC:

  • Propose a new policy for bicycle networks similar to T.01 about sidewalk networks and pedestrian facilities. "Create and maintain a complete, safe, and accessible community-wide bicycle network where bike lanes, off-road paths, and other safe bicycle facilities provide access to daily needs such as work, school, and shopping. Ensure this network serves everyone in Durham, prioritizing communities with residents who do not have access to a car or have few transportation options, and areas with high numbers of bicycle crashes, injuries, and fatalities." In addition, language should be added about ensuring safe and convenient bicycle parking, whether in this policy or one about parking in general..

  • Propose a new policy on government support. "Create, promote, and support programs supported by local government or other agencies that reduce financial barriers for residents to utilize non-motor-vehicle transportation modes. For example, subsidies or rebates to enable acquisition of bicycles, e-bikes, or other equipment; share programs; or other methods to lower the cost obstacles for people to use these modes.

  • Propose a new policy focused on street design: “Ensure that streets are designed to prioritize the safety, mobility, and experience of pedestrians, cyclists, and transit-users. This includes designing streets for low speeds for single-occupancy automobiles, promoting pedestrian-focused design elements, and creating great cycling and transit facilities on our roadways. At a minimum, modifications and new streets should comply with the “Complete Streets" standards followed by NCDOT as well as NACTO standards.”

  • Maximize opportunities to make streets safer and more accessible such as street resurfacings (note: this may be more of an action item rather than a policy statement).

  • Propose a new policy that promotes reduction of parking and appropriate pricing for parking.

  • Note: A policy should be added that aims to improve the quality of the transit system in Durham beyond maintaining fare-free service. If this is not included as additions to T.08, T.09 and T.14 as suggested in Question 5d, then it should be its own policy statement.

7. Is there anything else you want to share?
