We had a great kick-off event last Sunday, February 6th. There was a great turnout for both the ride and our program where we recapped our 2021 accomplishments and shared our plans for 2022 (see below or download here). We were sorry that we had to reschedule and change locations - we know that made it impossible for some to attend, but the weather was sunny and Locopops was a great host. (Note: 10% of February sales at Locopops will be shared between us, American Dance Festival, Meals on Wheels of Durham, and Club Boulevard Elementary PTA.)
Take a look at our work plan for 2022 below and get involved!
There are several ways that you can get involved with our work in the coming year:
Engage with our action alerts through email or social media (@bikedurham).
Volunteer at one of our events or on with a committee
Join the Board. We are looking for additional board members, particularly those with experience in finance, HR, fundraising, and non-profit governance. If you are interested, please email director@bikedurham.org to learn more.
Make a donation. More than half of our budget comes from individual contributions.
Summary of Bike Durham Plans for 2022